About Us
Bridge Academy Trust is a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) which comprises of eleven schools across Essex: 4 secondary and 7 primary phase schools.
Mildmay Primary School
Core Purpose
Our core purpose is to provide high quality education for all children in our schools.
Our commitment is that Bridge Academy Trust will:
- Be a local Multi Academy Trust of all age groups, financially sound and renowned for our excellence in improving our schools.
Our schools will:
- Be safe, inclusive, have broad ambitious curricula and achieve progress and outcomes that are in line with or above National Averages.
We will monitor the progress of this plan, and will hold the executive accountable by reports:
- Key Performance Indicators – termly
- One-year objectives – termly; annually
- Values and Behaviours – annually
- Strategic Objectives (progress) - annually
Our Vision: Enjoy, Enrich, Achieve, Aspire
First and foremost each school within the trust is a place of learning, where young people (from three to nineteen years):
- ENJOY coming to school and learning experiences available to them;
- Are ENRICHED with a wealth of opportunities inside and outside of lessons and the curriculum, so that all talents are identified and nurtured;
- ACHIEVE high standards:
- academically, in terms of examination results;
- personally, through their respect for others and their environment;
- socially, through their contribution to the life of the school and wider community
- ASPIRE to be the best they can be.
Our Shared Vision of Enjoy, Enrich, Achieve, Aspire is Locally Shaped
Strategic Plan
Bridge Academy Trust is committed to ensuring that every person who attends a school within the Trust has a high quality experience. This Strategic Plan sets out, for all to see, very clearly what our intentions are to be an outstanding Trust.
Below is our Assurance Framework which has superseded the original Strategic Improvement Plan, a copy of which is also available.