Become a Trustee
The Board of Trustees are responsible for setting the overall strategic direction and development of the Trust, to ensure that it delivers the best possible outcomes for Students. The Board also needs to ensure that the Trust is compliant with the legal and financial requirements, under agreements made with the Department for Education (DfE) and the EFSA.
We also look to recruit Governors for each Local Governing Body Committee. For further information on this role, please contact the Clerk to the Board of Trustees.
Trust Board Core Function
Sets the strategic direction, by:
- Setting and ensuring clarity of vision, values, and objectives for the school(s)/trust
- Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets
- Meeting statutory duties
Ensuring accountability, by:
- Appointing the Lead Executive/Headteacher/Head of School (where delegated)
- Performance managing the Lead Executive/Headteacher/ Head of School (where delegated)
- Monitoring the educational performance of the school/s and progress towards agreed targets
- Engaging with stakeholders
- Contributing to school self-evaluation
Ensuring financial probity, by:
- Appointing the CEO/CFOO/Headteacher/Head of School (where delegated)
- Setting the budget
- Monitoring spending against the budget
- Ensuring value for money is obtained
- Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed
How long do Trustees serve for?
Trustee’s term is four years.
How much time do they commit a year?
- There are 6 meetings of the Board of Trustees take place each year. In addition there are committees which Trustees may be required to join.
- The Trust holds two conferences a year.
- Preparation time before meetings - reading and absorbing the agenda and associated papers.
- Occasionally consultation Trustees by telephone, post or e-mail may be necessary on occasions where a speedy response is required.
- Though not statutory, Trustees may be asked to serve on working groups.
Do Trustees receive any support or training?
A training and induction programme is provided.
Who is eligible to apply?
An individual is eligible if:
- they are 18 years or older;
- Not have been made bankrupt
- Not be subject to a company disqualification order
Conflicts of interest?
All Bridge Academy staff, volunteers, Trustees and Governors should recognise and disclose any conflict of interest. A trustee should make a clear distinction between the interests of Bridge Academy Trust and their personal, professional, and business interests. This includes avoiding both actual and perceived conflicts of interest.
Bridge Academy Trust aims to ensure that all conflicts are properly managed or avoided – both financial and non-financial.
All Trustees are required to complete a Declaration of Interests form which is made available to on appointment.
An annual Declaration of Interests record is retained by the Clerk to the Board of Trustees for each Trustee.
At the beginning of each meeting, Trustees should declare any private interest which he or she has in an item to be discussed. Not all conflicts can be predicted at the start of the meeting, therefore all trustees must be prepared to make a declaration and withdraw from a discussion during the business of the meeting.
How can I apply?
There is an application process. You can request an application form by contacting the Clerk to the Board of Trustees.
Further Information?
For further information on the role of Trustee or Governor, a visit to the school or an information conversation with the Chair of Trustees, please contact the Clerk to the Board of Trustees.